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DowbadiW alb~ tk intialbr or rnmml Sfmion o~r~m b
. Am ths System in the Awy Mda Dswm the SWbm
remotely amess, pqram, and rnntml the swurw system
. SW=S a tine
over normal telephone lines. An flhing that =n & done
. mm h S~em to tip a New Pqmm Wnbad
diredly from the keypad can be done remotely, using
. Shut Down Communi=lion (dialer) Fun&ions (non-
DOWNLOADING. To ti~bd. the hlbwi~ k rauirad
rnvment d montiorim fees in m owned swlem)
1. An ISM PC, or m~dible mmpmer fih
MS” DOS 3.1 or
. $hot Down all ~ti~ System Futimns immpaymem ior -
higher, to run the DOWNLOADING program. MS DOS
a Ieassd system)
stands foc Mim%fi Pmk Opsmting SySem.
. Inhibii h~l Kevoad Prwrammino forevents takeover of
3. A HAYES 1200 SMAB7MODEM (etiernak level 1.2 or
highen internah bvel 1.1 or higher). Hthem Ievek ~nnot
be found Iomlly, an eflernal mdem @n & purchased
fmm ADEMCO, or rnotad HAYES for a tree update. Otier
bmnds are not rnm~tible, even ti dw’msd ti be 100%
4, 4130PC V-LINK@ DOWNLOADING software, fmm
ADEMcO. This software is available in both 3-1~
(4130P3-3) and 5.1/4” dskeftas, and itides a rnmpbte
Users Manual.
At the proteded premises. the Cotirol panel must be
rnnnetied to the exkti”g telephone kna (refer to the PHONE
LINE CONNECTUNS smb”). No p~rmming of the ~nel
is r~uired b~ore d~bad!ng to an inhial installation.
To download, do the folbwing:
1. Enter the installer mde + [#]+ [5]. The pmel mm~rari~
enables a flng rnunt of 5 and seb the Dmnbad CallbW
option to.1 - (mIlba& @t requird).
2. Call the pnel using the downloader software sd to
3. The downbader will emabfish a se~ion tih no allba~.
The panel itiomtiin a then & dwbaded.
In order to remotely a~ss, mntrol, or p~ram the alarm
panel, a .Iink” must & estsbtishd batw-n the mmpwer ad
the rnntrol panel, as folb~
1. The mmputer =11s up the tintml ~nel. The phone
numbr for each customer s enhrd h the mstomer’s
-Unt fib on the rnmptier).
2. The Gntrol panel “answers. at the pre-p~rammed ring
@Unt ati execties a hatishake wfih the mmpmer.
3. The
rnmpmer sends a request for ~lkk~ to the titiml,
unles ~11-bmk k nti required.
4. Tha panel ~knowledges the request and hangs up.
Outing the neti few sernnds, the tintml will promss tho
request making sure cetiain enc~pted information,
rernived from the rnmptier, matches ns own mamo~.
5. Upn a su~esful match, the tintml panel will sebe the
ohone tine and all the mmoutar b~ unks ~U.baA k
hot required.
6. The mmputer answers, usual~ by the second ring, and
executes a hatish~e whh the panel.
7. The
panel then sends other defaun information to the
computer. K this information matches the computer’s
itiormation, a su-essful hnk is established.
This is
known as &!ng .ON-LINE”.
1. Alarm and trouble responses and reWtis are disabled
during on-line time. Should an event o~ur during this
time, the response will take place and the repn will go
through as soon as the remote access sequence is
rnmpleted. Alarm and trouble mntiiions are not ignored,
they are simply delayed.
2. The keypads are inactive during downloading
mmmuni=tion, and rasume normal fun~ions after hang
uP. All keypad entries are ignord during on-line tima.
your aaunts) ‘” - -
. kave a me=age for m~mer (5137 oNLY
. timmand the System to Upload a tipy of tis Restimrt
Pwram m the oW=
. Read: Arming Status, AC Power Status, List of Faukad
hnes, List of Bypsed ~nes, 10-Day Alam Histov Log,
10-Dw Trouble Hbtov Lw, List of ~nas Currently in
Alarm, List of Zones Currently in Trouble, List of RF
sen-m wkh bw btie~ rnndifions
Amsssing the Control fmm a remote b-fion is protetied
against mmpromi~ by the use of 4 levels O(protadbm
1. SecuFiy Cde Handshake: The subscriber’s acmunt
numbar * well as an 8digk ID numtir (bown onk to the
offiia) must be matched beween the tintrol and
2. Han9Up and Call-Sa& The tintrol panel will .han~up.
and call the mmputar back at the pre-programmed
numbr only i the s-~ des mamh.
3. Data Enc~ption: All data that is exchanged bemeen the
mmpmer and @ntml & en~ted to reduce the Wssibifiiy
of an~ne @ping- the fine and rnrmpting data.
4. Operator A=ess Laveb: Up to 15 operators @n have
~= to tk DOWNLOADER, ezh having their own@-
on rode. However, eab owra~r an b assigned one of
thres levels of a-ss in bth FILE and COMMAND e
tundions, as follow:
Raad Only able onh to Imk at the database cannot
change any infomdion, and mnnot see the customers
a-s males.
Pan RaadAVrita: able to look at and change all
informatbn. exmpt the customer’s sass males.
Full ReadWdte: tile to kk at and change any and all
information in the dati=e.
Red On&: *IE onw to Upbad and am the system. Not
*le to DISARM, BYPASS, or chmge any information.
Pan ReadfWtite: able to ARM, SYPASS, UPLOAD,
DOWNLOAD bti =nmt shmdown the system.
Full ReadrWitie: tile to ~tiorm all mntrrd and status
mmmands, = well = shtidown all or pan of the system.
1. Each time the Control panel is accessed (whether
successful or unsumessful), a PROGRAM TAMPER
rewti ~40) is sent to mntral station, if programmed.
2. When downloading, Ihe mnsole will display .MODEM
~W (5t3~ or “C@ (4137, 4127)
3. Whenever a download or a save is done, an automatic
time stamp k *na, inti-liw the dae and time of the last
download (or save) ad the owrator ID numbar.
The average time for a complate download, including
intital MI1-up, hangup and =Il+ati is utier 4 minwes,
A mmplete hard mpy of each indivtiual atiunt can be
obtained by mnnading a printer to the rnmpmer. Refer to
your mmptier Wrier’s manual or mntad YOUKdealer for
printer rernmmendalbns.
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